

In this section, you will find details about me and my work in general. You might also see subsections describing my actual work situtation and/or whatever I want to share!

Profile Picture

Currently, I am starting my PhD Studies in the Computer Vision, Imaging & Machine Intelligence Research Group (CVI²), of the University of Luxembourg. My research will be oriented towards anomaly detection, mostly on images from different modalities.

I did my studies at EPITA, a French engineering school in computer intelligence, and ended up my studies as a research student in the school’s research laboratory (LRE, previously LRDE).

From 2017 to 2022 I studied computer science and engineering, and decided to specialize in computer vision and machine learning for my last year at school. At the same time, I chose to join a second curriculum that would introduce me to the world of research, giving me the chance to have courses on research related topics, and a subject to work on while being supervised by teachers-researchers.

I finished my master studies with an internship, working as a machine learning engineer at ZEISS Microscopy in Munich, Germany. I was part of the team developing the algorithms and the structure of the APEER deep learning pipeline. This platform has its focus on microscopic image processing, proposing cloud-based solutions for the latter. In particular, they have an annotation tool and trainable neural network models handling partial annotation of the data.

You can find my latest resume at this permalink. The links to my LinkedIn, e-mail, etc. are at the bottom of the sidebar.

This Site

I try to aggregate all the work I do, for now it is mostly school work, projects, reports, and presentations. Please browse around or use the search bar (I usually write keywords in the posts to ease this process).

I will be writing posts on various topics, I find it a great way to learn and remember what I found interesting and/or useful for my studies.

There will always be room for improvements; posts are never enough complete, documented or illustrated, and I will always seek to do better. Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions or questions about a topic.

Worth Seeing

See my latest –and for now only– article (Learning Grayscale Mathematical Morphology with Smooth Morphological Layers) that I submitted to the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision in July 2021; it was accepted and published in May 2022, and can be found on the Springer Nature website.

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